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The following stand-alone teachings have been adapted by an editor from one-on-one coaching sessions or public talks. Each is preceded by introductory comments from the editor.

Conversations on the Path (forthcoming)

This book is based on lengthy extracts transcribed from live dialogues during one-on-one meditation coaching calls. It consists of a relatively short introductory chapter followed by nine chapters of dialogues, organized by topic. The tentative chapter titles are:

  1. Stabilizing Practice: Restlessness, Doubt, Perfectionism, Fear
  2. Concentration and Stillness: Spaciousness and Deep Rest States
  3. Positivity Approaches: Metta and Self-Care
  4. Teaching, Teachers, and Need for Community
  5. Psychedelics
  6. Working with Unpleasantness: Perspective Shifts
  7. Working with Unpleasantness: Valence and Letting Go of Fear
  8. Letting Go of Analyzing and Thinking
  9. Tastes of Liberation: Freedom from Fear, Transcendent Moments

Integrating Peak Experiences

Marcy Crawford

Acknowledging What’s Painful in Life

Marcy Crawford

Gifts of The Practice

Marcy Crawford

The Power of One-on-One Guidance

Marcy Crawford

Guided Meditations

These guided meditations by Marcy were recorded live. Additional guided practices by Marcy are also available for free on Insight Timer.

Cultivating Kind Regard

A systematic approach to cultivating positive emotion that is always present, even if subtle. This meditation guides the practitioner to build and sustain positive regard for oneself, as a basis for giving and receiving loving kindness from others.

Pervading Rest

This guided meditation actively trains the ability to identify restful sensory experiences in the body, allowing practitioners to find ease not only during formal practice, but eventually at any time during daily life.

The Science and the So-What?

Each edition of this series by Marcy and Louis summarizes the results of a published scientific study and comments on its relevance to pragmatic relational mindfulness.

#1: Skillful Listening

There’s Way More to It Than Paraphrasing.               

#2: Teacher Burnout

Teacher burnout actually raises the measured cortisol levels in students.

#3: Science on Meditation

Why isn’t the science on the effects of meditation better?

#4: Mindfulness Interventions in Schools

Finally a long-term study of mindfulness interventions in schools, and the news isn’t good.

#5: Connecting in Conversation

Not all paraphrasing is equal                                    


#6: Effects of Teachers Mindfulness

Where are the studies of the effects of teachers’ mindfulness practices on students?

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The Center for Contemplative Enrichment is a non-profit spiritual center based in Southern California dedicated to supporting practitioners of all contemplative traditions and stakeholder groups who can benefit from their experience.

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